Thinking Around the Box offers a way to open up children’s learning through the exploration of ideas and philosophical questioning. Much like when preparing for a class debate, giving pupils the time and space to consider their ideas and opinions is essential. Our programmes provide the framework, tools and structure to promote a quality of philosophical debate.
Thinking Around the Box improves children’s critical, creative and exploratory thinking, all of which have benefits to a pupils ability to engage across the wider curriculum.

Exploration & Reflection

Enquiry & Questioning

Communication & Debate

Critical Thinking
Critical, creative & exploratory thinking!
Each programme provides an introduction to philosophy with warm up exercises and tips on how to engage effectively in the discussion. The programme is then underpinned by a story based concept that exposes pupils to a 10 part series of dilemmas which challenge them to explore, evaluate and discuss. Each session introduces new situations, leading pupils to investigate some of the more abstract concepts such as reality, beauty, justice and social utility.
These programmes are for schools new to using an enquiry based approach. Programmes cover an introduction to what philosophy is, the structure of a lesson and the skills it develops, a philosophical enquiry, opportunities for reflection.
Resources are ideal for: